For the first time I didn’t worry about having new followers, and it was amazing, why? Because when I started my channel I thought that the most important thing was to increase the number of followers as much as possibile. Completely wrong, for at least three reasons:

  • To think about that number keeps your mind busy on that and can be the good source of frustration.
  • When you do streaming you have only one mission: to be focused on what you are doing, by trying to do the best as you can.
  • If people thinks that your streaming is something valuable for them, then they will put a follow on you.

So, I continued my journey on learning Elixir. The session was quite good, I am trying to do the best as I can with my english. I find myself more comfortable with the tools and with Twitch. I am happy to see returning viewers, maybe one day I’ll invite one of you to do a pair programming session with me :)

A new set of Twitch banners

I am not used to deal with graphics, so after googled a bit I found this service Canva that allows you to create Twitch banners!

I spent some time to refresh the look of my banners, so here they are:

when I am offline

When you are offline it could be useful to give information about the schedule

when I am about to start

When I am ready to start, this is what you’ll see approximately 5 or 10 minutes before I live.

when I am taking a break

If, for some reasons, I have to take a break during the stream, this is what you’ll get.

when I am at the end

When I am at the end of the streaming session, I am used to fade out with this banner, thank you to all my viewers!

A more meaningful donation goal

I thought about what could be a good streaming setup improvement, and I ended up by create a single package that includes:

  • A better camera
  • An USB 3.0 hub with 4 ports
  • A brand new keyboard

If you want to know more about the donation goal read the FAQ panel of the twitch channel, and if you think you can contribute to support the channel, I will really appreciate your donation!

Thank you! See you on Monday <3